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Server and instance name used for Corporate Compliance

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 36849

In MYOB Corporate Compliance (CC) you may need to determine what the correct server and instance name being used for CC.
There are a number of ways to check what the current server and instance name is of the CC database.

Review the following options:
  1. On the server Open Corporate Compliance on the Server and follow the menu path: Help > About Corporate Compliance > Application details. The Corporate Compliance Application Details window appears with the details of the Corporate Compliance server and instance name.
  2. On a workstation Open Corporate Compliance on a Workstation and follow the menu path: Help > About Corporate Compliance > Application details. The Corporate Compliance Application Details window appears with the details of the Corporate Compliance server and instance name.
  3. MS Server Management Studio
    If you are unable to open Corporate Compliance on the Server or Workstation, you can use MS Server Management Studio to view and connect to the installed SQL instances on the server and look within these instances for the Corporate Compliance database.
  4. Installation log files
    You can use installation log files such as C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\Corporate Compliance\Install\S6CCINSTALL.log. This file details the options that were selected during the server\client installation.
  5. Multiple Databases
    In the situation where there is more than one CC database identified you can view the modification date of the database files to determine which one has been updated most recently.

    This may occur when a server migration is performed and the old server has not had the SQL databases removed.

If CC has been installed to an MYOBACCT instance, the path to these files is usually: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MYOBACCT\MSSQL\DATA

The 2 files that comprise of the CC database are

  • CorporateCompliance_data.mdf
  • CorporateCompliance_log.ldf
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