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Setting up a new company in Practice Manager

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise (AE) Practice Manager (PM) you can set up multiple companies. This article explains the steps required on how to setup a new company. 

Ensure you take extra care when setting up a new company as once created, they cannot be deleted.

To set up a new Company, perform the following steps:

1. Setup a new company

Perform the following steps in AEPM.

  1. Follow the menu path:
    Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Internal > Companies.
    The Maintenance - Companies page appears.

  2. Click Add company from the Tasks panel.
    The Maintain Company Details window appears.

  3. Complete the fields using the following table:



Company Name

Type the name of the company

Company Code

Type the code for the company

Default Export Path

Leave this blank

Dimension 1

Leave as the default None

Dimension 2

Leave as the default None

M-Powered Payee Number

Leave blank unless using M-Powered Services

Base Currency

Select GBP - this MUST be set to GBP

Note: This field is not applicable in AE PM 5.2 and above

  1. Click OK. The new company is created.

  2. Click Close. The Maintenance - Company page closes.

2. Add the nominal accounts to the new company
  1. Follow the menu path:
    Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Company Nominal Account (Versions 4.4.1 and earlier).

  2. Select the new company in the Company drop down list and add the codes from Not In Company to In Company by clicking the => button. The codes appear in the In Company column.
    Note: For version 4.5 and above, the nominal codes will automatically display in the In Company field.

  3. Click OK.

3. Add the nominal accounts to all code types
  1. Follow the menu path:
    Versions 4.4.1 and earlier: Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Company Code Nominal
    Version 4.5 and above: Maintenance > Ledger Maintenance > Nominal Codes > Data Entry Codes Available for Company

  2. Select the new company in the Company field and select (all) in the Code Type field.

  3. From the Nominal column, select the relevant nominal code (if the field is blank) from the drop down list for all relevant code types for the new company.
    Note: If the nominal code at step 3 has been automatically selected and is not required for the new company select None from the drop-down list.

4. Change the configuration to allow for a choice of companies at time of billing
  1. Follow the menu path:
    Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration.

  2. Locate DisableMultiCompanyBilling and change the Key Value field to 0.
    - Selecting this option the user needs to select the relevant company at time of billing;
    - To remove the choice of company and to have the client company (that shown on the Responsibility tab) default as the billing company at time of billing, set Key Value for DisableMultiCompanyBilling to 1. This is only applicable if the bills for each client go to one specific billing company.

  3. Click OK.

5. Add the new company in the bill sequencing
  1. Follow the menu path:
    Maintenance > User Defined > Configuration.

  2. Note the Key Value for BillSequenceType and click Cancel. The Maintenance - Configuration page closes.

  3. Follow the menu path: Maintenance > Miscellaneous > Bill Sequencing.The Bill Sequencing page appears.

  4. Ensure the Key Value noted at step 2 appears in the Bill Sequence Type field. Complete the fields using the following table:




Type Publisher


Select the company name


Select the relevant Company, Office or Partner from the drop-down list

Range Start

Type the start for the bill numbers

Range End

Type the end for the bill numbers

Next in Sequence

Leave blank

  1. Click OK.

6. Edit the company on an assignment;
  1. Open the assignment.

  2. Click the Main tab and click in the Company field. The ellipsis [...] button appears.

  3. Click the ellipsis [...] button. The Find Companies screen appears.

  4. Type the Company Code in the Search for field and click Search. The company appears.

  5. Click OK. The Assignment Details page appears with the company changed.

  6. Click OK.

7. Add a new invoice template

You may need to create a new invoice template for the new company.  For details refer to KB 36672: How do I create a new invoice template?

Note:  If a new invoice template is required, consider creating new templates for adjustments, receipts and credit notes as required.  Refer to the details in the above article as the steps are the same.

8. Customise a new debtor statement

You may need to create a new debtor statement for the new company.  For details refer to KB 33989: How do I edit Debtor Statements?

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