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Setting up an employee to authorise their own or other employee's bills

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 28689

In AE Practice Manager (AE PM), you can set up employees to authorise and post bills they have created themselves or those created by other employees.

To set up billing authorisation
  1. In AE PM, open Employees > Authorisation tab.
  2. Select the Authorisation Type of Billing. The Can Authorise and Can Authorise on Behalf Of fields are updated to show the employees already entered.
  3. Click the Employee field in the Can Authorise column. An ellipsis [...] button appears.
  4. Click the ellipsis [...] button. The Find Employees screen appears.
  5. Type the employee name or code in the Search for field and click Search. The search results display.
  6. Highlight the employee who is to authorise the bills created by this employee and press ENTER. The employee's name appears in the new record row in the Employee field.

    The employee should log out of AE PM and log in again for the change to take effect.
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