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Setting up and using yearly client budgets

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 32434

Within AE Practice Manager (AE PM) you can set up client's yearly fee budgets and report on this information compared to Actual figures.

To use this feature you need to:

  • Create a new Extra Field called Fee Budget and

  • Add the Values to the relevant clients.

To setup up an extra field called Fee Budget
  1. In AE PM select Maintenance > User Defined > Extra Fields

  2. Click in the Field column on the new record row and type Fee Budget.

  3. Select the field 'Contact' and select 'Number' from the drop-down list for 'Data Type' field and click OK.

To add the extra field value to one client
  1. In AE PM, open the client and go to the Extra tab.

  2. Go to the extra called Fee Budget and enter the fee budget amount into the Value field.

    Follow the steps above to add the fee budget value to any other clients.

The value entered is for the year and must be manually updated each year if the budget amount changes.

You can also record fee budgets against clients for last year's fee budget by adding an Extra Field called for example, Fee Budget LY. Follow the steps above creating an Extra Field called Fee Budget LY.


To report on the budget vs actual information, run a report under Reports > WIP and Debt > Client Summary > Client Summary by Client Partner (with LY Fees). In this report you will see columns for Budget and Variance. The Variance is the different between the Budget (Fee Budget) and Actual (Fees YTD).


If you wish to create your own reports in this area or edit existing reports ensure you use the Fields called Client Fee Budget $ YTD or for last year's budget Client Fee Budget $ LY.

The fields, Fee Budget and Client Fee Budget $ YTD show the same value (data) but only the Client Fee Budget $ YTD can be used in calculations.


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