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Setting up/Copying a default homepage for an employee category

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 29950

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Practice Manager (AE PM) you can setup a default homepage for each employee category based on the homepage of an employee.

Standardising homepage content for employees based on their position or level of responsibility will assist workflow and save time.

These instructions use an example of using John Smith's homepage as the default for the employee category of partner.

To set up a default homepage for an employee category
  1. In AE PM, follow the menu path Maintenance > Employee > Employee Categories. The Maintenance - Employee Categories page appears.
  2. Click in the Default Homepage field for the Partner Employee Category. The ellipsis button [...] appears.
  3. Click the ellipsis [...] button. The Find Employees window appears.
  4. Type John in the Search for field and click Search. The search results display.
  5. Select John Smith and click OK. The employee name John Smith appears in the Default Homepage field.
  6. Click OK.

    Setting up a homepage on an employee category does not overwrite existing employees' homepages. Changing an employee to a different category does not change their homepage to the default.
To attach the default homepage for an employee
  1. In AE PM open the employee and go to the Main tab.
  2. Select Homepage from the TASKS bar. The prompt You have chosen to set homepages for this employee. Do you wish to continue? appears.
  3. Click Yes. The homepage will be updated for the employee the next time they login. The default homepages will be generated for new employees.

For a demonstration on how to set up a default homepage for an employee category, refer to the self-paced Online Learning module Navigating VPM for Administrators under the Home Page Views section.

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