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Small Business (SB) Pool balance calculating incorrectly by including the OWDV of pooled assets

This support note applies to:

  • AO Assets Live (AU)
  • AE Assets Live (AU)
Article ID: 39153

In MYOB Assets Live, after migrating an assets ledger from Accountants Enterprise (AE) Assets, the balance of the Small Business (SB) Pool incorrectly shows the consolidated pooled balance plus the opening written down value (OWDV) of pooled assets.

This issue occurs where assets have had at least one year of depreciation applied prior to being allocated to the SB pool in AE Assets.

We're investigating this issue and we're working on a solution.

In the meantime to display the correct pool balance, use the following workaround.

To display the correct pool balance
  1. From within the Assets year, select the affected pooled asset and click Edit Asset on the TASKS bar.
  2. Change the value in the Opening written down value field to $0.
  3. Repeat for each affected asset.


Insert PR# 140951995544

SR# 140631221298

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