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Tax Login window appears when opening returns from tax returns tab in AE PM

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax Series 6 & 8 (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 34155

Tax Login window will appears when opening returns from tax returns tab in Practice Manager if one of the system settings has been set incorrectly.

Check if Employee user name and windows login name match
  1. Open Practice Manager click on drop-down arrow under Contacts and select Employees. The Employee tab is displayed.

  2. Click the employee having the issue. The Employee tab is displayed.

  3. In the Main tab, check that the U/Name matches the employee's Windows User login ID. Also take a note of this code to compare with System Release login codes. 

Check your Login Security Model
  1. Open Practice Manager and follow the menu path: Maintenance > Tax > Settings. The Tax Settings tab is displayed.

  2. Under the Security tab, ensure the Login Security Model is set correctly as Employee Code.

Find the location of tax program path
  1. Open Practice Manager and follow the menu path: Maintenance > Tax > Settings. The Tax Settings tab is displayed.
  2. The Tax Program path must point to correct Sol64 folder. If the path is incorrect you can update this under the tax tab in edit connection details from the left-hand task bar.

    To check the correct path of sol64 folder follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > right-click on System Release and select properties. The Target path points to the correct path for sol64 folder. for example E:\SOL64\sr.exe, so the location of SOL64 is then E:\SOL64\
Log in using login details once

Attempt to log in using the System Release login details once and the window should not appear again. To check the system release login details:

  1. Follow the menu path: Start > All Programs > MYOB Accountants Enterprise > System Release. The Login Gateway appears.
  2. Enter the login details as follows and click OK:
    User Code = SUPERVIS and Password = S6
  3. Click User accounts under the Administration heading in the Task Panel. The User Accounts Window appears.
  4. For each user right-click on the user name and select Properties. The User properties window appears.

    Ensure that there is no password, the Gateway mandatory option is deselected and the User code matches the code noted in Employee tab in Practice Manager.
  5. Once all these details are checked close System Release and open tax return using the Tax returns tab and log in using the code noted in step 4. System should not ask you to log in again when you close out and reopen the returns.
Rename the S60 files

The Login Gateway can also appear if there is a corruption in the license files for System Release.

Ensure all users are out of MYOB as you cannot rename these files with users accessing the system.
  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the x:\sol64\s6 folder. The contents of the S6 folder appears.
  2. Right-click on each of the s60.tcf and s60.tnf and select Rename.
  3. Type the s60tcf.oldzz and s60tnf.oldzz and press ENTER

    The files mentioned are hidden files and can only be seen if options to show hidden files are selected in folder properties. Follow the menu path: Start > Control Panel > Folder Options. Click the View tab and select the Show Hidden Files and Folders option.
  4. Login to AE and open a tax return. This will recreate the S60 files.
Still an issue?
  • Reboot the machine having the issue.
  • If you've tried all of the above and still getting the error, try the following:
    1. Right-click on start and click Command prompt (Admin)
    2. Navigate to your SOL64 or Tax folder. E.g. M:\
      Type m: press enter.
      Type cd SOL64 or cd MYOBAE\AESQL\Tax and press Enter
      Type regsvr32.exe s6db32.dll and press Enter

Close and reopen the software for the change to take effect. 

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.