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Tax Manager templates hotfix—no cheques from March 2020

Article ID:49545239

The IR901DL payment slip within the tax notice templates is dated April 2015 in version 2019.1 (5.4.32) of:

  • MYOB Accountants Office Tax Manager (AO TM)
  • MYOB Accountants Enterprise Tax Manager (AE TM) and
  • MYOB NZ Hybrid Plus (AO Classic, AE Practice Manager and Tax Manager).

From 1 March 2020, IR will stop accepting payment by cheque. See we're moving on from cheques on the IR website.

This Tax Manager hotfix includes updated tax notice templates. They now print in plain paper format because we’ve removed the IR901DL watermark.

Read the release notes and install guide before running this hotfix. Go to my.MYOB and download the MYOB Tax Manager Hotfix 49545239 – Install file.

We strongly recommend you install this hotfix so you have up-to-date Tax Manager templates.

For tax notices with a due date of 1 March 2020 or later, use the updated templates rather than the pre-printed IR901DL stationery.

After installing the hotfix, if you use the old templates you might find you're missing some information:


To keep a copy of the master templates (April 2015 or earlier) or your customised templates
  1. If you're using AO TM, navigate to X:\MYOBAO\AOSQL\TaxManagerTemplates\ and open the folder.

    If you're using AE TM or NZ Hybrid Plus, navigate to \\<Server Name>>\TaxManagerTemplates\.

  2. Right-click anywhere within the TaxManagerTemplates window and select New > Folder.
  3. Rename the new folder with a meaningful name. For example, Tax Manager templates April 2015 customised.
  4. Select all the template files (do not include the new folder), right-click and select Cut to cut all template files.
  5. Right-click on the new folder and select Paste to move all template files to the new folder.


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