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Transferring BAS values from AE MAS to AE Tax

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (AU)
  • AE Tax (AU)
Article ID: 35760

When using MYOB Accountants Enteprise (AE) Tax, you can transfer the values from an AE Management Accounting System (MAS) ledger in regards to the BAS report. To do this click the Export button on the BAS report in MAS, then select the relevant Tax ledger and Tax return to receive the values.

If you use AE Tax version 2013 or later you need to ensure you are using MAS version 6.1e and also select the relevant year for which to integrate. 

To transfer BAS values to a tax return
  1. Open the relevant MAS ledger and follow the menu path: Reports > Tax Reports > Australian BAS. The Business Activity Statement window opens.
  2. Click Export. The Tax Integration window opens with 2013 or later selected as default

    If you wish to transfer to an earlier return and you are on MAS 6.1e click the 2012 or earlier option prior to continuing.
  3. Click Ledger. The Select folder window opens.

    If a Select item window opens here and you cannot select the relevant tax ledger from this list you need to update the User Preferences for the current user and set the Start field to Folders. For more information regarding User Preferences refer to System Release Help > Users > The Preference Tab.
  4. Highlight the relevant folder and click Select. The Select item window appears.

  5. Highlight the relevant Tax ledger and click Select. The ledger details appear in the Tax Integration window.
  6. Click Code. The Select Return window opens.
  7. Highlight the relevant Tax return and click Select. The return code appears in the Tax Integration window.
  8. Click OK. The transfer of values occurs and when complete the message "BAS Statement successfully exported to tax" appears.
  9. Click OK on the message window and click Cancel on the Business Activity Statement window. The MAS Ledger Profile appears. 
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