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Transferring shares

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 23453

The following steps explain how to transfer shares issued by a corporation.

To transfer shares
  1. From the Corporations selection list, select the corporation and select Transfer shares from the task panel. The Transfer Shares wizard displays.
  2. Select the member that the shares are being transferred from and click Next. The Enter the share transfer details window displays.
  3. Enter the share transfer details and click Next. The Select the transferee's window displays.
  4. Click Transfer. The Member Details for the Transfer window displays.
  5. Select the relevant share certificate and click Transfer. The Member's Details for the Transfer window displays.
  6. Enter the member details for the transfer and click OK. The Transfer Shares window displays.
  7. Repeat the above process for each shareholding that needs to be transferred to another holder.
    You can reverse any transfer by selecting the new share certificate created by clicking Undo.
  8. Click Next. The Select the joint holders for the transferee's window displays.
  9. If there are jointly held shares, for each shareholding that is jointly held:
    1. Highlight the primary shareholder and click Joint holders. The Joint Shareholders window displays.
    2. Click Add. The Find a Contact window displays.
    3. Search for the joint holder and click OK. The Joint Shareholders window displays.
    4. When you've added all the shareholders that jointly hold this shareholding, click Close. The Transfer Shares window displays.
  10. Click Next. If the new holder has been flagged as a non beneficial holder, the beneficial holder's window will appear.
  11. If the beneficial holder's window appears, click on beneficial owners, search for the beneficial owner and click OK.
  12. Click Next. The Confirm the share transfer details window displays.
  13. Enter the signatory details and click Next. The Enter the details of the directors' meeting to approve the transfer of shares window displays.
  14. Enter the details of the meeting to approve the transfer of shares and click Next. The Finish window displays.
  15. Click Finish. The Forms Completion Report window displays.
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