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Unselling an asset

This support note applies to:

  • AE Assets (AU)
Article ID: 27786

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise Assets (AE Assets), youcan reverse the sale or disposal of an asset through the unsell routine.

To unsell an asset
  1. Open the AE Assets ledger. The main Assets screen appears, displaying the asset control groups in the left-hand pane.
  2. Select the required asset control group. The assets contained in this group appear in the right-hand pane.
  3. To unsell multiple assets at the same time, select all the required assets.

  4. Right click the asset/s to unsell and go to Functions > Unsell. The Unsell window appears, displaying the details of the sold asset.

  5. Ensure the checkboxes against all the required assets are selected and click OK. The message Unselling asset [ABC]. Please wait appears for each asset. When complete, the Unsell window appears with the message Unsell has been completed successfully.

  6. Click OK. The icon next to the asset is bolded to indicate that it is no longer sold.
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