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Updating control account balances

This support note applies to:

  • AE MAS (NZ)
  • AE MAS (AU)
Article ID: 33967

In MYOB Accountants Enterprise MAS (AE MAS) ledger you may experience a control account not showing the total of the sub accounts.

This may occur in reports such as a Balance Sheet or a Summarised Trial Balance not balancing.

To fix this issue you need to:

  • Backup the ledger; and

  • Perform a rebuild.

If the rebuild does not resolve the issue, you then need to Refresh the Control Account

To back up the MAS ledger
  1. Highlight the relevant ledger and from the File menu, select Backup. The Ledger Backup Wizard appears.
  2. Click Next. The Select Source Ledgers window appears.
  3. Ensure the relevant ledger is selected and click Next. The Select Backup Location and Name window appears.
  4. Specify the location and the name of the backup and click Next.
  5. Click Finish.
To perform a rebuild
  1. Open the AE MAS ledger and follow the menu path: UtilitiesRebuild. The message "This process will rebuild data files & recalculate all balances, any early Exit from this routine, will require a restoration of original data" appears.
  2. Click Proceed.
To refresh the control account
  1. In the AE MAS ledger follow the menu path: Setup > Client Files > Client Chart.

  2. Click New. The Client Chart: Add Accounts window opens.
  3. Enter details of a new account to be used, ensure you enter the Level as C and click OK.
  4. Select a sub account belonging to the control account that is showing the incorrect value and click Details. The Client Chart: Edit Account xxxxx window opens.
  5. Click Edit. The cursor appears in the Account field.
  6. Type the account code of the new account entered in step 3 and click OK. The sub account is transferred to the new control account.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for all remaining sub accounts of the problematic control account. All the sub accounts are transferred to the new control account.
  8. Click Close.
  9. From the Utilities menu, select Edit Balances.
  10. Highlight the relevant control account and press ENTER. The Edit Account Balances window opens, showing balances remaining when no sub accounts remain.
  11. Click Edit. The cursor appears in the A120 field.
  12. Type 0 and press Enter on each field until they all show 0, and click OK. The incorrect balances are removed and the Client Chart window appears.
  13. Click Close.
  14. Follow the menu path: Setup > Client Files > Client Chart.
  15. Highlight the original control account and click Delete. The message "Delete Account xxxxxx" appears.
  16. Click Yes. The problematic control account is deleted.
  17. Select the new control account and click Details. The Client Chart: Edit Account xxx window opens.
  18. Click Edit. The cursor appears in the Account field.
  19. Type the required account code, ie the original control account code and click OK. The control account code is changed to the required account code.

    This also retains the sub accounts attached to this control and transfers the sub account codes to the new control account number.
  20. Click Close. The Client Chart window is closed.
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