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Updating the chart of accounts for an existing client in AO Classic GL

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic General Ledger (AU)
Article ID: 24938
To update the chart of accounts for an existing client
  1. Open the client's general ledger.
  2. Follow the menu path: General Ledger > Accounts Utilities > Update Accounts from a Standard. The Wizard appears.
  3. At Step 1, from the Select "Standard" client to update from drop-down list, select the template corresponding to the client"s entity type. For example, if you are updating a small company entity you will need to select 15 Small Company template.

    Use the master ledgers to update your template ledgers.

  4. Click Next.
  5. At Step 2, ensure that all the checkboxes are marked.
  6. Click Next.
  7. At Step 3 ensure that the checkbox Print a list of accounts that exist in the Current Ledger's Chart of Accounts, but do not exist in the Standard is clear.
  8. At Step 3 ensure that the checkbox Add accounts that are present in the Standard Chart of Accounts, but not in the Current Ledger is marked and that the Pick from list radio button is selected.
  9. Click Next and then Finish.
  10. You may be prompted with the message "Do you wish to copy values from this account". Click Yes, to ensure all accounts are correctly named.

    This procedure will overwrite the name of the account you have changed, so ensure you note any name changes that you have done so that you can rename these accounts after this procedure.

  11. When the window Select accounts to add appears, ensure that the checkboxes representing the accounts ranging from 908 to 908/99 are marked. If the client is a trust, ensure that the checkboxes representing the accounts ranging from 986 to 986/99 are also marked.
  12. Check all the accounts and select the accounts you want to add.
  13. Click OK to finalise the process.
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