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Updating the Summary of Earnings (SOE) data if I have imported prior to installing the AE Tax update for the new year

This support note applies to:

  • AE Tax (NZ)

These instructions require technical expertise

Make sure you know what you're doing and are using one of the products listed. If you're not sure, ask your IT professional or MYOB.

Article ID: 32343

The IRD provides a file containing Summary of Earnings (SOE) for each tax year. You import this file into the Tax Return System (TRS) to assist you in completing the required tax returns.

If you have not received your SOE data by the time you are ready to install and update the AE Tax release please ensure you do not connect to the IRD server until you have installed the update.
The IRD releases this in early May each year.

If you have received the SOE data from the IRD prior to installing the AE Tax update for the new year and creating the TRS ledger, the data is imported into the current year, overwriting the prior SOE data with the new year information.

To install the AE Tax update for the new year if the data is imported into the current year
  1. Restore the DZZNP*20 for the prior year, returning the SOE data to the correct year:
    • If you are not using SQL for AE Tax, refer to the X:\Sol63\TAXFILE\ folder and restore the DZZMP*20 file for the relevant year. For example, for the 2011 year the file to restore is DZZNP120, for 2012 year it is DZZNP220.
    • If you are using SQL for AE Tax restore the table for the relevant year. This is the TAXFILE_DZZNP*21 table within your SQLTAX database. For example for the 2011 year restore the TAXFILE_DZZNP121 table, for the 2012 year restore the TAXFILE_DZZNP220 table.

      If you require assistance restoring the relevant component refer to your IT Consultant.

  2. Install the AE Tax update and create the new TRS ledger:
    1. Refer to the my.MYOB Product Downloads page New Zealand to download the latest release.
    2. Refer to the Installation Guide for how to install the AE Tax update and create the TRS ledger for the new year.
  3. Reprocess the SOE import:
    1. Contact the E-File Helpdesk on 0800 433 453 and request they resend the batch that contains your SOE information. When you next receive data through E-File the information imports the SOE data into the current year TRS file.
    2. View the Confirmation Report to complete the process.
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