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Using the Report Wizard to define and produce Account Lookup Reports

This support note applies to:

  • AO Classic (NZ)
Article ID: 33313

MYOB Accountants Office (AO) Classic uses the Report Selection Wizard to define the information that is displayed in its reports.

Depending on the report, you can filter and sort the records, restrict the report to particular types of clients or to particular UDF settings, and also save the settings as a Report Definition which you can use when you print the report in the future.

To print the reports
  1. Open AO Tax Management and from the Reports menu, select the required report. The Report Definition window opens.
  2. Define the report using the following options. The report definition is complete.
  3. Click Preview to preview the report before printing or click Print to send the report directly to a printer. The report is produced using the selected criteria and options.

To define the report

Select Report Origin

Use this field to select a pre-determined report definition. If no definition exists you can save your definition for future use.

  1. Click Save definition to save any changes that you have made to the report configuration. The Save Definition window appears.
  2. Enter a name for the report definition, select the Save as a 'Public' Definition option if required. The definition details are entered.

    If you select the Save as a 'Public' Definition option this allows others to select this definition.
  3. Click Save & Close. The definition is saved and now appears in the Select Report Settings Definition drop-down list.

Click the drop-down arrow on the Select Report Settings Definition and select the relevant report definition.

Client Selection

You can select the clients for which you want to run the report. You can choose to filter by:

Client: Select the Client option then click the drop-down arrow and select the client for which you want to run the report.

Group: Select the Group option then click the drop-down arrow and select the group for which you want to run the report.

Range of Clients: Select the Range of Clients option. Then click the drop-down arrow on the From: field and select the first client you require.  Click the drop-down arrow on the To: field and select the last client for which you want to run the report.

Further filtering - Group and Range of Clients

Entity Types: You can also filter by Entity Type. Select the required entity type for which to produce the report.  Select the option for the required entities of that type and deselect the option to exclude entities of that type.

Clients: You can also filter by client type. You can choose to filter to produce reports for clients of type. Select the option for the required types to include clients of that type and deselect the option to exclude clients of that type.

Bal (Balance) Month: You can select to produce the reports for All months or for a selected month on the Bal Month field. Click the drop-down arrow on the Bal Month field to select the required month.

Partner: You can further filter the selected clients by partner.  You can choose to filter the list to only include clients assigned to a specific partner. Click the drop-down arrow on the Partner field and select the required partner.

Manager: You can further filter the selected clients by manager. You can choose to filter the list to only include clients assigned to a specific manager. Click the drop-down arrow on the Manager field and select the required manager.

Office: You can further filter the selected clients by office. You can choose to filter the list to only include clients assigned to a specific office. Click the drop-down arrow on the Office field and select the required office.

Division: You can further filter the selected clients by division. You can choose to filter the list to only include clients assigned to a specific division. Click the drop-down arrow on the Division field and select the required division.

Click here to select clients: Click the Click here to select clients link to view the those clients who match the selected filtering criteria. To further exclude clients from the report, deselect the option against the record for the specific client.

Sorting, grouping and page breaking

The options available here may differ depending on the report you have selected.

  1. Click Alter. The Alter Sorting, Grouping and Page Breaks window opens.
  2. Select the required sorting options and click the arrow key to apply the sort item. The selected field appears in the Sort by field is applied to be used to Sort the records by this field.

    Select all the required options to further sort the records.  Subsequent fields selected appear in the Then by fields.
  3. Select the Group Total option on each required sort field. The Group Total option is selected and this enables the New Page option.

    This enables a total for that sort field on the report. For example, once all the clients have been listed for the sort field, these records show a total.
  4. Select the New Page option on each required sort field. The New Page option is selected.

    This starts a new page in your report after each total.  For example, the next field to in the report begins on a new page.
  5. Click Save & Close. The options are saved and show on the report definition window.

Report Options

The options available here may differ depending on the report you have selected.

You may be able to filter on:

Tax Year: Select the tax year for which you want to view entries on the Tax Year drop‐down.

Date: Specify a date or date range.

Type of Entries: Select the type of Entries that are included in the report.

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