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Viewing linked addresses

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33715

You may need to view all addresses that are linked to contacts, clients or suppliers.

There is no report available but you can view linked addresses when creating a new client on the Address tab of the Create Client Wizard by clicking the elipsess button on the Address field.

How to view linked addresses
  1. To view, click File > New > Client and fill in the required mandatory details to create a dummy client just for this instance. When on the Address tab, click the ellipsis button [...] on the Address field.
  2. Drag the Linked field to group by this field, it displays how many links are in the database for the address for example, under the Linked column, the value of 0 means the address is not linked to any contact and the value of 1 means the address is linked to just 1 contact etc.
  3. To view what contacts the address/addresses are linked to, click Show when highlighting an address to display the Name, Client Code, Address Type and Primary.




Internal Notes:

s/r 11694476923

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