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Why do my disbursements entries have $0 in the charge column?

This support note applies to:

  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 23267

You may find that some disbursement entries have $0 in the charge column instead of the correct $ value after importing disbursements or after a disbursement sheet has been posted.

The reason this may occur after importing disbursements is because the Markup amount on the Disbursement Task Code has been set to 0.0000 instead of 1.0000.

To resolve, delete the sheet before posting it and then change the value in the Markup field to 1.0000 on the relevant Disbursement code under Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Miscellaneous > Code Types > Disbursements and then re-import the disbursement entries.

Where the entry was a keying error that was not picked up before posting the sheet, open the Disbursement sheet and edit/correct the entry and enter the correct amount into the Charge column before closing the Disbursement screen.

For AE sites, refer to KB 26707 - Correcting a posted Time or Disbursement Sheet

For AO sites, refer to Help topic: Editing a disbursement


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