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Why is my Practice KPI homepage blank?

This support note applies to:

  • AO Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AO Practice Manager (AU)
  • AE Practice Manager (NZ)
  • AE Practice Manager (AU)
Article ID: 33420

In MYOB Practice Manager (PM) version 5.0 and above, you may find that the Practice KPI Homepage is blank.

This can occur when the employee does not have security access to this homepage. To resolve this issue, you need to update or change the Task Permissions setting #Homepage #VPM #Standard #KPIs for the employee security group.

The Practice KPI homepage is accessed by clicking the Practice KPI icon in the toolbar.


Updating the Task Permissions

You need to be a System Administrator or SuperUser to be able to change the Task Permissions settings.
How to allow the employee to have access to the Practice KPI Homepage
  1. In PM follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Security > Task Permissions. The Maintenance - Tasks Permissions window displays.
  2. Select Practice Manager from the Product drop down List. The Practice Manager Task Permissions display.
  3. Select the relevant Employee Security Group from the Group drop down list. The Employee Security Group Permissions display.

    To find which Employee Security Group the employee belongs to follow the menu path: Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Security > Employee Group Security. In the Employee search field, search for the employee and the Employee Security Group will display in the Is a member of... group field.
  4. Type KPI into the Search field and click the [+] to expand the Homepage Group Description. The Task Permissions display.
  5. Tick the allow checkbox for #Homepage #VPM #Standard #KPIs. A tick appears against #Homepage #VPM #Standard #KPIs.
  6. Click OK to save the changes.

    The employee will need to exit completely out of PM and log back in again for the change to take effect.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.