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Workstations unable to connect to the Corporate Compliance (CC) database

This support note applies to:

  • AO Corporate Compliance (AU)
  • AE Corporate Compliance (AU)
Article ID: 33519

Workstations may be unable to connect to the Corporate Compliance database when the TCP/IP protocols are disabled or the Windows Firewall is preventing connectivity on the server.

To resolve this issue, perform the following steps on your server:

1. Enable the MYOBACCT TCP/IP protocols
  1. From the desktop of your Server, follow the menu path Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 201x > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager.
    • X is the year of your SQL Server Install. For example, Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
  2. From the SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand the SQL Server Network Configuration item. The available items are shown.
  3. Click Protocols for MYOBACCT and then double-click on TCP/IP. The TCP/IP Properties window opens.
  4. Click the IP Addresses tab and change all Enabled rows to Yes. Then click OK. The settings are updated.
  5. Under IPAll, note down the TCP Dynamic Ports number.
2. Restart the SQL MYOBACCT service
  1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, click the SQL Server Services item from the left hand pane. The available services appear in the right-hand pane.
  2. Select SQL Server (MYOBACCT) and from the Action menu, select Stop then Start. The service is Started.

    You may also need to enable the SQL Browser and also add the relevant port as an exception in the Windows Firewall on the server.
3. Enable the SQL browser
  1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, select SQL Server Services from the left hand pane and then right-click SQL Server Browser from the right hand pane and select Properties. The SQL Server Browser Properties window opens.
  2. Click the Service tab and change the Start Mode field to Automatic. The setting is changed.
  3. Click Apply then click OK. The change is saved.
  4. Review the State column for the SQL Server Browser and if it is not Running, right-click the SQL Server Browser and select Start. The SQL Server Browser is running.
4. Add ports as an exception in Windows Firewall

The following instructions relate to Windows Server 2012 and Server 2016.

  1. On the Server, follow the menu path Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Windows Firewall.
  2. Right-click Inbound Rules and select New Rule.
  3. Select Port, then click Next.
  4. Select UDP, then enter the Specific Port Number of 1434. Then click Next.
  5. Select Allow the Connection, then click Next.
  6. Ensure all locations (Domain, Private and Public) are selected, then click Next.
  7. In the Name field, type SQL UDP then click Finish.
5. Add Program as an exception in the Windows Firewall
  1. On the Server, follow the menu path Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Windows Firewall. The Windows Firewall window opens.
  2. Right click Inbound Rules and click New Rule.
  3. Select Program then click Next.
  4. Click Browse and choose the following file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MYOBACCT\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe. Then click Next.

    MSSQL13.MYOBACCT is for Server 2016 Instance of MYOBACCT, this may change on your site
  5. Ensure all locations (Domain, Private and Public) are selected, then click Next.

  6. In the Name field, enter the name of the SQL Server. Then click Finish.

6. Run CLICONFG on the workstation
  1. From the desktop of your server, press and hold the Windows key + R on the keyboard. The Run window appears.
  2. In the Open field, type cliconfg.exe then click OK. The SQL Server Client Network Utility window appears.

  3. In the General tab, ensure the Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocols are enabled, and the Enable shared memory protocol checkbox is ticked.

    If TCP/IP and/or Named Pipes appear in the Disabled protocols column, select the protocol and click Enable >>. The TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols appear in the Enabled protocols by order: column.
  4. Click the Alias tab and remove any existing alias for SOL6CC or MYOBACCT.
  5. In the Alias tab, click Add... and in the Server Alias field, enter the server instance name. For example, SERVER\MYOBACCT. Click OK.
  6. If required, repeat the above step to add a TCP/IP alias. Ensure you select TCP/IP under Network libraries and deselect Dynamically determine port. You'll need to Insert the Port number noted down previously.
Then uninstall Corporate Compliance on the workstation and reinstall (if needed)

If the issue still occurs please ensure you have created the firewall exceptions in any existing 3rd party software firewalls and exceptions for the Corporate Compliance instance (SOL6CC or MYOBACCTsqlsvr.exe in the anti-virus software on the server.

If the issue is still occuring:

Run a Corporate Compliance workstation setup. This should be done on the workstations whilst logged in as the same Windows administrator that was used to install SQL on the server (i.e. the trusted login)

We recommend checking with either your IT (if using SQL standard) or the MYOB technician (if using SQL Express) who performed the service for you. This will gnerally work as a last resort as it is a more secure option than lowering SQL security to work around the issue of no SQL authentication.

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If this problem persists, please contact our support.