You do not have permissions to close/delete Client
This support note applies to:
- AO Practice Manager (NZ)
- AO Practice Manager (AU)
- AE Practice Manager (AU)
- AE Practice Manager (NZ)
Article ID:30190858

IN MYOB AE/AO, you may receive the error "You do not have permissions to close/delete the client" when trying to delete or close the client.
This error happens when the user has been restricted access to delete or close clients under Task Permissions.
To check the task permissions
- To make the changes, log into AE/AO as a Super User or Administrator.
- From Maintenance > Maintenance Map > Security > Task Permissions.
- Select Central from Product drop down.
- Select the relevant Security Group from the Group drop down.
- Under Group Description > click
before the Client to expand. - Tick the Allow checkbox against #Client #Close Client and #Client #Delete Client and click OK.
- Users that need access will need to close and re-open AE/AO to see the changes.