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For the General details for the practice, click Utilities > Control Record > General Tab.

Practice NameThis is the name which defaults to the Agent's Declaration in the various return types and in letters used by the practice.
ACN/ARBNThis is the Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Registered Business Number (ARBN) of the Practice, if applicable.
ABNThis is the Australian Business Number (ABN). You are warned if an invalid number is entered.
DivThis is optional.
Phone numberThis is the contact used as a default for the Agent and Agent's contact. Do not type brackets around the Area Code.
Fax numberThis is not used in the preparation of most returns. It can be used for letter writing purposes.
MobileThis allows for up to 20 digits to be entered.
E-mailThe internet e-mail address of the practice.
Postal AddressThis is the default address for the Service of Notices. This is the postal address as entered on the Control Record Addresses tab.
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