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Letters Text

AE Tax only

In this window, type in the text you wish to print in this letter.

Text (or layouts) usually contain specific fields to define what information is to be extracted from the database. This data may be included using Letter Writing fields to derive the relevant names and addresses of clients. You may also define fields for variable data; these are known as accumulators and may be accessed by clicking Utilities > Letter Writing Variable Definitions.

Basic editing includes:

  • To save the text and close the window click [F6].

  • To exit the window without saving any text or changes click [Esc].

  • To insert text within the letter click [Insert].

  • To return to overtype mode click [Insert] again.

  • To include values in the letter from your database use the letter writing fields. For example,

          Client full name (D196): ^D196

                       initials (D168): ^D168

              given names (D191): ^D191

                    surname (D192): ^D192

The word processing functions to edit and save the text are set out in the System 4.1 Enhanced Printing and Letter Writing Guide. This guide refers to practice letters as client letters.

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