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Add Sort View

Accountants Enterprise only

When attaching a sort view to a batch or range of contacts, the Add Sort View window displays.

Sort View

Nominate the sort view you wish to attach to the contacts you selected in the previous window. You may click [F10] to display a list of existing sort views or click the Ellipse.

The list that displays at the Sort View field is the same list of table entries found by clicking Maintenance > Sort View Table.


Enter the value of the sort view you wish to attach to contacts in your database. If you nominated a validating code, for example, partner or manager in the Sort View field, you will need to enter an employee that has a category code of partner or manager.

If you are entering a sort view of EITHER manager or partner, click [F10] to open the Select Employees window (or click the Ellipse). A list of all your employees will be shown. Select an employee that has a category code of partner or manager.

Modify sort view value

If the Modify value if already attached checkbox is selected, the system checks whether any contacts you selected possess the sort view you nominated. If they do, the existing value of the sort view will be modified to the value that you nominate in the current window.

Once the details have been entered, select OK and the system attaches the relevant sort view to the contacts you selected.

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