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Changing pre-fill manager settings

This page will tell you about a few types of pre-fill settings you can change.

  • Use the Employee access settings to change pre-fill access for employees.
  • Use the PLS Agent Settings window to manage your PLS agents and ensure that all ABNs are authorised.
  • Use the Pre-fill Report File Settings window to set where ATO pre-fill reports are stored in your system. If you have Document Manager, you can define the filing cabinet and file name.

 To update these practice settings, you should be a manager, super user or system administrators.

Employee access settings

To change employee pre-fill access

You can restrict or give employees pre-fill access.

  1. Go Maintenance > Security > Task Permissions.
  2. From the Product drop-down, choose Tax.
  3. Choose the Group that you want to change permissions for.
  4. Under Group Description, click
    Plus icon
    next to Maintenance.
  5. Select Allow for the options you want to give users:
    • Tax - Pre-fill Download & Save
    • Tax - Pre-fill into Tax
    • Tax - Pre-fill Open Report
    • Tax - Pre-fill Report File Settings

  6. Click OK. The user will see the changes when they log out and log back in.

Other settings

To update PLS Agent settings
  1. Click the Tax drop-down and choose Pre-fill Manager.
  2. On the Tasks bar, click PLS Agent Settings. The PLS Agent Settings and Cloud Software Authentication window appears. The list of agents for your practice is displayed, with information on their:
    • Agent Code

    • Agent Name

    • Agent Number

    • ABN

    • Authorised status

    A green tick in the Authorised column means an agent is authorised; otherwise, there will be a red cross. The Refresh link retrieves the software ID for the agent.
  3. If you see any red crosses in the Authorised column, to authorise the agent, click the Authorise link and follow the prompts.
  4. If you want to set the frequency with which PLS agents receive activity statement reports, click the Request AS Report drop-down and select one of the following:
    • Daily—A report will be automatically retrieved each day for this agent, so that the reports don't need to be manually retrieved.

    • Never—The agent won't receive a report each day.

  5. Click Save.
To update Report File settings

There are two ways you can set up the pre-fill file location: with or without Document Manager.

Use the option to set up without Document Manager if you want to save reports directly to your hard drive (or if you don't have Document Manager!)

Follow the instructions for the option that applies to you.

I don't have Document Manager
  1. On the TASKS bar, click Report File Settings.
  2. In the Pre-fill Report File Settings window, select Use File System.
  3. In Define the root path, select the folder path where the saved pre-fill reports will be stored. Select either:

    • Use the client's default document tab path

    • Choose a shared location and can click Browse to select the destination folder.

      Ensure the location you choose is accessible to all users in your practice who need to open these reports.
      If the SBR Sender Service is on a different machine, such as a server, use a network share path (for example, \\server\folder) and set sharing permissions accordingly for reading/writing files. For more information on verifying if the service is running on a machine, refer to Restarting the MYOB Tax SBR Sender Server.

  4. If you want to specify the folder structure and name structure, use the Choose the folder structure and Choose the file name structure fields. The fields control different parts of the path or file.

    In the Define the root path section, if you selected:

    Use the client's default document tab path, the file name must contain the year.
    Choose a shared location, the file name must contain the year and the Return Code.

  5. Click Save.
I have Document Manager
  1. On the TASKS bar, click Report File Settings.
  2. In the Pre-fill Report File Settings window, select Use Document Manager.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Details tab, enter a Title for your reports, and select the Author.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Profiling tab, select the Filing Cabinet.

    Ensure that there is a category that contains the pre-fill year/s. Otherwise you'll see an error when you click Finish.
  7. Click Finish. In the Pre-fill Report File Settings window, the Filing cabinet and File name fields are populated with your settings.

  8. Click Save.

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