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Creating Folder Links

Accountants Enterprise only

Folder links allow you to access the contents of a folder from within My Folders. This allows a tree-like structure of nested folders similar to a directory structure to be supported. Once a folder link is created, you can select the link to access the list of items for that folder. This allows you to access a group of folders from one area.

To create a folder link from a folder window
  1. From the Folder window, ensure you have more than one folder created with a Reference ID attached. Refer to Creating Folders.

    To view the Select Folder dialog, you must have a MLS setup of 6. Refer to Menu Level Security (MLS) Setup

  2. From the Folder window, open the folder from which you wish to create the link. The folder's contents display.
  3. From the right click menu, click New or click [Ctrl+Insert]. The Select new object to create... window opens.

  4. Select the Folder link button. The New folder link properties window opens.
  5. In the Reference field, click the ellipsis 

    button to search for the required folder. The Name field can be altered, but does not alter the original folder title.

    Alternatively, enter the Reference ID for the folder to which you want to create the folder link. The Reference field is case sensitive and must be typed exactly how the Reference ID appears in the Folder properties window. If the Reference field is recognised as an existing folder, the Name field displays the folder’s name.

  6. Click OK when complete. A folder link now appears in the Folder listing.

    You may also create a folder link by right clicking in the My Folders section of the Navigation Bar and selecting the New Link option from the right click menu. In the New folder link properties window, click the ellipsis

     button to select the folder which is the target of the link.

To create a folder link from the navigation bar
  1. In the My folders window, right click on the folder in which to create the new link.

  2. Click on Copy settings from the menu. The New folder link properties window opens.

  3. In the Reference field, click the ellipsis 
    button to search for the required folder. The Name field displays the folder’s name.
  4. Alternatively, enter the Reference ID for the folder to which you want to create the folder link. If the Reference field is recognised as an existing folder, the Name field displays the folder's name. This Name field can be altered, however this does not alter the original folder title.
  5. Click OK when complete. A folder link now appears in the Folder listing.
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