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Credit for tax withheld foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) - H2

Label H2 applies to company, fund and the SMSF returns.

This dialog acts as a holding area for amounts of credit for tax withheld - foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains), entered in:

Return type
Sum of amounts integrated into main return
Company (C)Payment Summary schedule (ps)
Distributions from partnerships worksheet (dip)
Distributions received from trust worksheet (dit)
  • Label H2 in the Company return calculation statement.

Fund (F) and SMSF (MS)

Distributions from partnerships worksheet (dfp)
Distributions from trusts worksheet (dft)

  • Item 12, label H2 for the fund return
  • item 13 for the SMSF return

Where the company or either of the funds has received a distribution of a share of credit from a managed investment trust (MIT), this amount will be added to any share of credit for foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) and included at the relevant label in the calculation statement of the return.

This is not a worksheet and therefore is not available to be printed with the return.
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