Early stage investor tax offset worksheet (esi) Trust
Before completing the worksheet and claiming the ESIC tax offset, it's important to read Early stage investor tax offset information on the ATO website.
This offset is:
claimed at item 52: Non-refundable carry forward tax offsets—label I, and
passed to the Statement of distribution— item 55 to be distributed or held in the trust.
To complete the worksheet
Click in Goto (F2) and enter 52 and Enter, then click label I to open the worksheet.
The Evidence the company qualifies as ESIC obtainedquestion must be answered. The Sophisticated investor checkbox should be ticked for at least one of the acquisition transactions. The trust does not need to be a sophisticated investor when receiving a share of ESIC tax offset from a partnership or another trust.
Enter any excess ESIC tax offset carried forward from the previous year, adjusted in accordance with Div 65 of the ITAA 1997 to account for any net exempt income (foreign or Australian) earned.
Click Worksheet, enter the details and press Enter to save the transaction.
If you've another transaction to record, then repeat the process.
Click Close and then press F6 or click OK or the Save icon and we'll filter the amount claimed to label I.
We'll transfer the amount at label I to the Distribution Statement worksheet (xT) at item 55: Label J—Share of Early stage investor offset.
F4 Detailed estimate example
We'll print a summary of the Early Stage Investors tax offset at the foot of the F4 Detailed estimate showing how the offset was applied and any excess to c/f at the end of the year.
CCH References
20-700 Outline of innovation incentives
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