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Enquiry Return Selection

Accountants Enterprise only

The Enquiry screen is designed to assist the operator in the easy location of all of a Return's Step details. Selection is made via Return Code, Tax File Number, Name, or by searching for an ABN. There is also a View Details option which shows the comments added for the selected step.

In order to run an Enquiry
  1. Open the Enquiry by clicking on the Enquiry option in the Navigation bar. The Select Enquiry Return dialog opens.
  2. Click on the title bars at the top of the dialog to change the order in which the Returns are sorted. or locate the tax return using the client ABN, refer to ABN Search.
  3. Click [Enter] to see the index of Step data attached to the current Return.

  4. To print the information press [Alt+P] on the keyboard

  5. Select a Sort by option to specify in what order report prints.

  6. Click OK and the Print dialog opens to complete the process.

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