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Item 3 - Australian Business Number (ABN) (if applicable)

Refer to Australian Business Number (ABN) on the ATO website.

Funds without an ABN are strongly encouraged to apply for one online at  or lodging the Application for ABN registration for superannuation entities (NAT 2944).

  • record the client’s ABN in the Create Client/Contact Wizard. This detail appears can be changed on the client’s Main tab. The ABN on the Main tab appears on the Fund Details when a tax return is created.

  • In Practice Manager (AE) or MYOB Tax (AO), the client’s ABN is entered in the Create Client/Contact Wizard. These details appear on the client’s Main tab and prefills the Fund Details when the tax return is created (AE) or the Fund Details and Return properties for the return (AO).

For Accountants Enterprise users:

  • If you have Tax only, the client’s ABN defaults from the Return Properties record.

  • If you have Series 6 or 8, the client’s ABN is entered in the Contacts database and defaults to the return.

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