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List Contacts by Sort View

Accountants Enterprise only

This report prints a list of contacts with the sort view you nominate are listed. Click Reports > Contacts by Sort View to open the List Contacts by Sort View window.

Letter: At this eight character alphanumeric field, nominate the report layout for listing contacts by sort view. The default report layout is called 'CONXSV'; however, if you have customised your own report for listing contacts by sort views, then select it here. Click [F10] or the ellipsis at this field to display the Select Letter window, which is an index of all the report and letter layouts in Central Database.

Sort View: In this ten character alphanumeric field, nominate the sort view by which you wish to list contacts in your report. For example, if you have attached the sort view 'PARTNER' to contacts, select that sort view to list contacts by partner in your report. Click [F10] or the ellipsis to display the Select Sort View Entry window, which is an index of all the sort views in Central Database.

Value: In this ten character alphanumeric field, you may nominate a specific sort view value that is assigned to sort views. Only those contacts that have the sort view with the sort view value you nominate here will be included in your report.

For example, if you have selected the sort view 'PARTNER' in the previous field, you may select a specific partner value, so that only those contacts with the partner sort view value you nominate here will be listed.

If you leave this field blank, then all sort view values are included in your report. If you select to list contacts by either partner, manager or employee sort views, click [F10] or the ellipsis at this field to display the Select from Employees window. This is an index of all the employees in Central Database. Select the relevant partner, manager or employee sort view value which is attached to contacts you wish to list.

Click OK to save the information in this window and continue with the routine. The Output Device window displays, prompting you to select an output device (screen, printer or disk file) to which to print the report. If you choose to print the report to screen, the End of Report buttons display at the conclusion of the report.

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