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Super Co-contributions What-if

See Item A3 - Government super contributions.

If you made an eligible personal super contribution to a complying super fund or retirement savings account for which you are not claiming a deduction in your current year income tax return, and:

  • you were under 71 years old on 30 June of the current income year,

  • your taxable income for the current income year is less than $52,697

  • your total superannuation balance is less than $1.6 million on 30 June of the year before the year the contributions are being made, and

  • you've not exceeded your non-concessional contributions cap in the relevant financial year

you could be entitled to a the full Government co-contribution of $500 if your taxable income is less than $37,697.

Click Super co-contribution eligibility on the ATO website for full information.

Answer Yes at the A3 Quick access to the Government Super contributions box to open the What-if Calculation dialog.

Government super contributions What-if example

You've completed Item A3 and answered Yes to the What-if:

See Key superannuation rates and thresholds on the ATO website for further information.

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