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Tax Withheld from interest/investments (TFN)

For information specific to Fund Returns refer to Credit for tax Withheld ABN/TFN not quoted.

The dialog provided in the Calculation statement at label H4 in the Company return acts as a holding area for amounts withheld which have been entered in the following worksheets or schedules:

  • Interest income worksheet (int)

  • Dividends received worksheet (div), and

  • Distributions from Partnerships worksheet (dfp Funds), (dip Companies) and

  • Distributions from Trusts worksheet (dft Funds), (dit Companies)

To open the worksheets available from the dialog, click the relevant button or click [Alt+the underlined letter]. For example, [Alt+I] opens the Interest income worksheet (int).

The sum of the amounts shown on this dialog is integrated to label H4 in the Calculation Statement of the Company return.

This is not a worksheet and is not available to be printed with the return.

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