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Update Steps by Batch

Accountants Enterprise only

To update steps by batch
  1. From the Functions element in the navigation bar select the Batch/Range Step Update option. The Tax Year dialog opens.
  2. Select the year that has the return you wish to update and click OK. The Update Step dialog opens.
  3. Select the Batch option and click OK. An index of available returns in the selected year displays for selection. The index can be sorted by Return Code, Tax File Number (TFN), Status, or Return Name.
  4. Highlight a Return that needs updating and click Toggle.
  5. Repeat for each Return to be updated until the list is complete.
  6. Click OK. The Select Event and Step for Batch Update opens.
  7. Select the Event and Step to which you wish to update the returns. The Date Step reached, Follow-up date, Issue date, Amount 1, Amount 2, Completed by and Remarks are available on the Details tab.
  8. Click OK to update the step.
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