V2100 - V2199
A FTE variation has been indicated but the required fields are blank.
Edit Test | ^JAN = 'V' and ((^DVG = Null and ^DUR = Null) or (^DVC = Null and ^DYL = Null) or ^DVD = Null or ^DUT = Null or ^DUV = Null or ^DUX = Null or ^DUY = Null) |
Explanation | When varying a FTE, item 6 or 7 (whichever is applicable) and item 8 on the schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | X |
A FTE variation has been indicated yet non required fields have been completed.
Edit Test | ^JAN = āVā and (^DTW # Null or ^DVE # Null or any occurrence of (^DTX # Null or ^DTY # Null) or any occurrence of (^DUM # Null or ^DYK # Null or ^DUA # Null or ^DUB # Null or ^DUC # Null or ^DUD # Null or ^DUE # Null or ^DUF # Null or ^DVT # Null or ^DUN # Null or ^DUG # Null or ^DUH # Null or ^DUI # Null or ^DUJ # Null or ^DUK # Null or ^DUL # Null or ^DUO # Null or ^DVF # Null or any occurrence of (^DUP # Null or ^DUQ # Null))) |
Explanation | A Family Trust Election variation has been indicated and information in section A has been completed. |
Form Type | X |
Election, variation and/or revocation details have been provided on the FTE schedule
Edit Test | (^DTW # Null or ^DVE # Null or any occurrence of (^DTX # Null or ^DTY # Null) or any occurrence of (^DUM # Null or ^DYK # Null or ^DUA # Null or ^DUB # Null or ^DUC # Null or ^DUD # Null or ^DUE # Null or ^DUF # Null or ^DVT # Null or ^DUN # Null or ^DUG # Null or ^DUH # Null or ^DUI # Null or ^DUJ # Null or ^DUK # Null or ^DUL # Null or ^DUO # Null or ^DVF # Null or ^DUP # Null or ^DUQ # Null) or ^DVG # Null or ^DVH # Null or ^DVI # Null or ^DUR # Null or ^DVC # Null or ^DYL # Null or ^DUS # Null or ^DVD # Null or ^DUT # Null or ^DUU # Null or ^DUV # Null or ^DUW # Null or any occurrence of (^DUX # Null) or ^DUY # Null or ^DUZ # Null or ^DVA # Null or ^DVB # Null) and (^DVK # Null or ^JAO # Null or ^GKV # Null or ^GKW # Null or ^GKX # Null or ^GLC # Null or any occurrence of (^DVL # Null or ^DVM # Null or ^DYM # Null or ^DVN # Null or ^BYO # Null or ^BYP # Null or ^DVJ # Null or ^DVO # Null or ^DVP # Null or ^DVQ # Null or ^DVR # Null or ^DVS # Null)) |
Explanation | A Trustee(s) can only make either an election, variation or revocation via this schedule. If a variation or revocation is being made, and an election is also required, the election can be lodged via the standalone form. |
Form Type | X |
Section B of the IEE is present, but the IEE revocation code is missing.
Edit Test | (^IRS # Null or ^IQK # Null or ^IQL # Null or ^IQM # Null or ^IQN # Null or ^IQO # Null or ^IQP # Null or ^IQQ # Null) and ^JAP = 'E' |
Explanation | Section B of the IEE should only be completed when the client is revoking an IEE. This revocation is also indicated by the IEE revocation code on the main return form. |
Form Type | Y |
Interposed Entity Election or Revocation schedule required.
Edit Test | ^IQI = 'R' and ^XXX # 'Y' |
Explanation | The Interposed Entity Election code indicates a revocation is being made, however no schedule is attached. |
Form Type | EC EP ET Y |
Revocation date of the Interposed Entity Election is invalid
Edit Test | ^JAP = 'R' and ^IQQ # ^ABB |
Explanation | The income year for which the details of the Interposed Entity Election are being revoked must equal the income year of the main return being lodged. |
Form Type | EC EP ET MS Y |
Both election and revocation details have been provided in regard to the IEE.
Edit Test | (^DWV # Null or ^DWX # Null or ^DWY # Null or ^DWZ # Null or ^DXA # Null or ^DXB # Null or ^DXC # Null or ^DXP # Null or ^DXS # Null or ^DXQ # Null or ^DXR # Null or ^DXD # Null or ^DYJ # Null or ^DXE # Null or ^DXF # Null or ^DXG # Null or ^DXH # Null or ^DXI # Null or ^DXJ # Null or ^DXK # Null or ^DXL # Null or ^DXM # Null or ^DXN # Null or ^DXO # Null) and (^IRS # Null or ^IQK # Null or ^IQL # Null or ^IQM # Null or ^IQN # Null or ^IQO # Null or ^IQP # Null or ^IQQ # Null) |
Explanation | The Interposed entity is to be making either an election or revocation via this schedule. If both are needed, a second schedule is to be attached to the main return form. |
Form Type | Y |
Incomplete details for a valid interposed entity election.
Edit Test | ^JAP = 'E' and (^DVU = Null or ^DWQ = Null or ^DWR = Null or ^DWX = Null or ^DWY = Null or ^DWZ = Null or ^DXP = Null or ^DXS = Null or ^DXE = Null or ^DXG = Null or ^DXK = Null or ^DXL = Null) |
Explanation | Data is included in the Interposed entity election schedule indicating an interposed entity election is being made but some or all of the following details have not been completed. Income year specified, Day specified, Full name and address of the family trust in respect of which the election is made, Specified income year, Election commencement time, and/or Date of birth, Name and address of the specified individual. All of the above must be completed to make a valid Interposed entity election. |
Form Type | Y |
IEE revocation details missing
Edit Test | ^JAP = 'R' and (^IRS = Null or ^IQK = Null or ^IQL = Null or ^IQM = Null or ^IQQ = Null) |
Explanation | As indicated on the main form, an interposed entity election is to be revoked; however information is missing from the revocation section on the schedule. For the revocation to be valid Section B on the IEE schedule must be completed. |
Form Type | Y |
ETP payment date is outside current year or approved substitute period
Edit Test | (^ARA = Null and ^ARB = Null and (^IOV < ('0107':(^ABB - 1)) or ^IOV > ('3006':(^ABB)))) or (^ARA # Null and ^ARB # Null and (^IOV < ^ARA or ^IOV > ^ARB)) |
Explanation | Where an ETP payment date is present, it must be within the current financial year or approved substitute period. |
Form Type | EI |
Superannuation lump sum payment date is outside current year or approved substitute period
Edit Test | (^ARA = Null and ^ARB = Null and (^IQY < ('0107':(^ABB - 1)) or ^IQY > ('3006':(^ABB)))) or (^ARA # Null and ^ARB # Null and (^IQY < ^ARA or ^IQY > ^ARB)) |
Explanation | Where a superannuation lump sum payment date is present, it must be within the current financial year or approved substitute period. |
Form Type | EI |
An ETP schedule is to be attached.
Edit Test | ^IQS = 'M' and ^XXX # 'PY' |
Explanation | Where the ETP type code is 'M', an ETP schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | EI PY |
ETP schedule is not needed
Edit Test | ^XXX = 'PY' and ^IQS # 'M' |
Explanation | Where the ETP type code is not 'M', an ETP schedule is not required. |
Form Type | EI PY |
ETP date of payment is missing
Edit Test | (^IQR > 0 and ^IQS # 'M') and ^IOV = Null |
Explanation | When the amount given for the ETP taxable component is from a single payment type, the date of payment must be present. |
Form Type | EI |
A superannuation lump sum schedule is to be attached.
Edit Test | ^IRC = 'M' and ^XXX # 'PL' |
Explanation | Where the superannuation lump sum type code is 'M', a superannuation lump sum schedule must be attached. |
Form Type | EI PL |
A superannuation lump sum schedule is not required.
Edit Test | ^XXX = 'PL' and ^IRC # 'M' |
Explanation | Where the superannuation lump sum type code is not 'M', a superannuation lump sum schedule is not required. |
Form Type | EI PL |
The superannuation lump sum date of payment on the main form is not required.
Edit Test | (^IRC = M and ^XXX = 'PL') and ^IQY # Null |
Explanation | The superannuation lump sum date of payment on the main form is not required when the superannuation lump sum schedule is attached. The dates in reference to the multiple payments will be sourced off the schedule. |
Form Type | EI PL |
The superannuation lump sum date of payment is missing
Edit Test | ((^IRA > 0 or ^IRB > 0) and ^IRC # 'M') and ^IQY = Null |
Explanation | When the amount given for the superannuation lump sum taxable component, taxed or untaxed is from a single payment type, the date of payment must be present. |
Form Type | EI |
The ETP payer's ABN is missing.
Edit Test | (^IQR > 0 and ^IQS # 'M') and ^IQJ = Null |
Explanation | When the amount given for the ETP taxable component is from a single payment type, the payer's ABN must be provided. |
Form Type | EI |
The superannuation lump sum payer's ABN is missing.
Edit Test | ((^IRA > 0 or ^IRB > 0) and ^IRC # 'M') and ^ITV = Null |
Explanation | When the amount given for the superannuation lump sum taxable component, taxed or untaxed is from a single payment type, the payer's ABN must be provided. |
Form Type | EI |
The superannuation lump sum payer's ABN is not required on the main form.
Edit Test | (^IRC = 'M' and ^XXX = 'PL') and ^ITV # Null |
Explanation | The superannuation lump sum payer's ABN is not required on the main form when the superannuation lump sum schedule is attached. |
Form Type | EI PL |
Check tax withheld amounts between the ETP schedule and the main return form.
Edit Test | ^IQS = 'M' and Sum.Sched{Sum.Tag{^ISB}} # ^IPN |
Explanation | The amount of tax withheld on the main return form does not equal the sum of all occurrences of the tax withheld amounts from all ETP schedules lodged with the main form. |
Form Type | EI PY |
Check tax withheld amounts between the superannuation lump sum schedule and the main return form.
Edit Test | ^IRC = 'M' and Sum.Sched{Sum.Tag{^IRH}} # ^IQZ |
Explanation | The amount of tax withheld on the main return form does not equal the sum of all occurrences of the tax withheld amounts from all superannuation lump sum schedules lodged with the main form. |
Form Type | EI PL |
Check taxable component amounts between the ETP schedule and the main return form.
Edit Test | ^IQS = 'M' and Sum.Sched{Sum.Tag{^IRV}} # ^IQR |
Explanation | The amount for the taxable component on the main return form does not equal the sum of all occurrences of taxable component amounts from all ETP schedules lodged with the main form. |
Form Type | EI PY |
Check tax component amounts between the superannuation lump sum schedule and the main return form.
Edit Test | ^IRC = 'M' and (Sum.Sched{Sum.Tag{^IRY}} # ^IRA) or (Sum.Sched{Sum.Tag{^IRZ}} # ^IRB) |
Explanation | The amount for the taxable component, either taxed or untaxed elements, on the main return form do not equal the sum of all occurrences of these respective amounts from all superannuation lump sum schedules lodged with the main form. |
Form Type | EI PL |
Taxed elements paid after the taxpayers 60th birthday should not be declared.
Edit Test | ^IQY >= (^ABQ + 60 years) and ^IRC # ['N','M'] and ^IRA > 0 |
Explanation | Taxed elements paid after the taxpayers 60th birthday should not be declared on the main return form. Taxed elements received when the taxpayer is 60 years old and over are non-assessable non-exempt income and not to be declared. |
Form Type | EI |
Total income or loss field is incorrect.
Edit Test | ^IRT # ^ACY + ^ADG + Sum.Tag{^AQE} + Sum.Tag{^AED} + (Sum.Tag{^AEF} * 0.05) + ^IQR + ^ADX + ^IOT + ^IQV + ^IQW + ^ISX + ^IRA + ^IRB + ^FZF + ^AFZ + ^AGF + ^AGG + ^AGH + ^JAM + ^BLB + ^BLC - ^BYI - ^AMJ + ^DGF + ^DGG + ^JIZ - ^ALD - ^AMM + ^FZL + ^AWX + ^AWY + ^IOH + ^IOI + ^BAV + ^AWG + ^BLU + ^BLW + ^JEX + ^JFL + ^BYD + ^JAG + ^AWK + ^IFW + ^AFS - ^AKA - ^GCG - ^AKB + ^AGZ + ^IRR + Sum.Tag{^CZD} + Sum.Tag{^CZF} Note: $1 +/- tolerance is applied at ^IRT |
Explanation | The total of all income fields does not equal the amount at the Total income or loss field. |
Form Type | EI |
Total deductions field is incorrect.
Edit Test | ^IUA # ^AMV + ^AMA + ^AMB + ^AMC + ^AMD + ^GTZ + ^JEE + ^JEF + ^AGI + ^BMA + ^BWW + Sum.Tag{^AMP} + ^GTY + ^IRN + ^BYE + Sum.Tag{^BMK} |
Explanation | The total of all the deductions fields does not equal the amount at the Total deduction field. |
Form Type | EI |
Superannuation lump sum payment date on the superannuation lump sum schedule is outside current year or approved substitute period.
Edit Test | (^ARA = Null and ^ARB = Null and any occurrence of (^IRX < ('0107':(^ABB - 1)) or ^IRX > ('3006':(^ABB)))) or (^ARA # Null and ^ARB # Null and any occurrence of (^IRX < ^ARA or ^IRX > ^ARB)) |
Explanation | The superannuation lump sum payment date on the schedule must be within the current financial year or approved substitute period. |
Form Type | EI PL |
ETP payment date on the ETP schedule is outside current year or approved substitute period
Edit Test | (^ARA = Null and ^ARB = Null and any occurrence of (^ITW < ('0107':(^ABB - 1)) or ^ITW > ('3006':(^ABB)))) or (^ARA # Null and ^ARB # Null and any occurrence of (^ITW < ^ARA or ^ITW > ^ARB)) |
Explanation | The ETP payment date on the schedule must be within the current financial year or approved substitute period. |
Form Type | EI PY |
Taxed elements paid on or after the taxpayers 60th birthday should not be declared on the superannuation lump sum schedule.
Edit Test | Any occurrence of (^IRX >= (^ABQ + 60 years) and ^IRY > 0 and ^ISA # 'Y') |
Explanation | Life benefit superannuation lump sums containing taxed elements paid on or after the taxpayer's 60th birthday are non-assessable and non-exempt income, and should not be declared in the tax return. |
Form Type | EI PL |