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Downloading reports and pre-filling data from the Tax Returns tab

Instead of using thePre-fill manager homepage to Downloading pre-fill data, you can also download a pre-fill report and pre-fill a tax return for an individual client in the client's Tax Returns tab.

To download the pre-fill report
  1. Open a client and click the Tax Returns tab.

    If you get an agent code error, the tax agent may not be authorised. Click the red hyperlink in the Return Details > Agent Code field to open the PLS Agent Settings and Cloud Software Authorisation window and authorise the agent.

  2. In the Tasks bar, click Download & Save to download the pre-fill report.

    In the Return Details section, the Pre-fill Status will update as the download completes. See Pre-fill Status in Navigating the pre-fill manager.

  3. Once the pre-fill report is ready, click the Open link in the Pre-fill Report field. The Date Downloaded field also updates.

I'm getting download errors!

If you see Download error in the Pre-fill Status field, click the link to display details to help you troubleshoot the issue. See Pre-fill errors.

To pre-fill the tax return

After following the steps above to download the pre-fill report, click Pre-fill into Tax.

  1. Go to the client’s Tax Returns tab.

  2. Check in the Return Details section (in the bottom half of the tab) that the Pre-fill Status is Ready to pre-fill.

  3. On the Tasks bar, click Pre-fill into Tax. The pre-fill information is populated into the tax return. You'll see a notification message depending on the pre-fill status and tax return status. See the following table for details.

    Pre-fill Status
    Tax return status
    Actions you can take
    Return is completed, return status needs to be changed before pre-filling.
    Change the status of the tax return and try again.
    Ready to pre-fill (tax return not yet rolled forward)
    Any status other than
    Selected return is not rolled forward yet. Do you want to roll forward and pre-fill now?
    You can choose to roll forward and pre-fill.
    Ready to pre-fill (tax return rolled forward)
    Any status other than
    Pre-fill return for (tax return name)?
    Confirm that you want to pre-fill this return.
    Pre-fill complete
    Any status other than
    (Tax return name) has already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite the return?
    Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data.
    Pre-fill error
    Any status other than
    Pre-fill return for (tax return name)?
    Confirm that you want to pre-fill this return.
    Pre-fill failed, but return(s) previously pre-filled
    Any status other than
    (Tax return name) has already been pre-filled. Do you want to pre-fill and overwrite the return?
    Confirm that you want to overwrite the pre-fill data.

    If the pre-fill was successful, the Pre-fill Status will change to Pre-fill complete. The Date Pre-filled field also updates.

  4. If there's an error, click the link in the Pre-fill Status field for details on the error to help you troubleshoot the issue. See Pre-fill errors.
  5. Once in Tax, press F3 to validate the tax return and review the pre-fill data before completing and lodging. The Validation summary window displays fields that have been pre-filled and any errors that need to be resolved.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.