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Exception Report (TTS)

Accountants Enterprise only

The purpose of this report is to select and print the details of the Returns that have and have not reached a certain stage of Event.

To produce an Exception report
  1. Select Reports > Exception report ... .The Exception Report dialog opens.
  2. Choose the Event to report on by clicking the ellipsis and choosing from the list in the Select Event dialog.
  3. Choose the Step to report on by clicking the ellipsis and choosing from the list in the Select Step for Event dialog.
  4. To only report on Events that have not yet reached this stage tick the Exclude Returns at or past this Step checkbox.
  5. The default for the Title of incomplete Event:Step: field is NOT REACHED and the default for the Title for complete Events:Step: field is COMPLETE. These titles can be changed by over-typing the defaults with customised text.
  6. The default layout for the report is Exception Report Combined. Another layout can be chosen by clicking the ellipsis and choosing from the list in the Select Letter dialog.
  7. Choose either the Normal or Alternate sequence selection of return to report on.
  8. From the Re-sorting options choose the order in which the Events appear in the report. Tick the New page on new code checkbox to start each Report code on a new page.
  9. Click OK to continue to the Print dialog.
  10. From the Print dialog choose whether to Preview, Print, or send the report to Disk. Disk reporting is only available if DRF is installed.
  11. The Record Selection dialog allows for further selection criteria to be entered. Select a Sequence type from the options and then click Edit to define the parameters.
  12. Click OK to finalise the report.

Alternative range

This allows selection by:

Return Code: Event: Step
Event: Step

Normal range

This allows selection by:

Return Code: Event Code: Step Code
Tax File Number
Alternative TFN
Event Code: Step Code

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