Item 15 - Net income or loss from business
See Item 15 - Net income or loss from business on the ATO website for more information.
The amounts at item 15: labels:
- B: Primary production income/loss and C: Non-primary production income are entered at item P8.
- D, W, F: Use a generic schedule to complete.
- F: Use business income statements and payment summaries (bip).
- A is for sole trader small business entity income which is used to calculate the taxpayer's Small business income tax offset (SBITO).
Small Business - Eligibility
COVID - 19 changes
Business income
To enter data in | complete |
Label D - Tax withheld - voluntary agreement | a generic schedule. |
Label W - Tax withheld where Australian Business Number not quoted | a generic schedule. |
Label E - Tax withheld - foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) | business income statements and payment summaries (bip) |
Label F - Tax withheld - labour hire or other specified payments | a generic schedule. |