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Item 18 - Other deductions not claimable at any other item

See item 18 Other deductions on the ATO website.

If what you show at Q, or any other deduction label includes an amount which is brought to account under the TOFA rules, also complete item 31 Taxation of financial arrangements (TOFA).

Only show deductions not claimable at any other item.

Name of each item of deduction and Amount: You're able to instert this row. New rows are added by pressing Ctrl+Ins.

Show at label Q any deductible losses and outgoings not already claimed by the partnership at any other item.

If the partnership is registered for GST, exclude any input tax credit entitlements for expenses incurred by the partnership from the amount shown at label Q.

Integration from worksheets

Where integration is set to this item, deductions allocated from the depreciation worksheet (d), the motor vehicle worksheet (mve) and any deductible balancing adjustments calculated in the depreciation worksheet will integrate to named fields at this item.

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