Label C - Work related clothing, laundry and dry cleaning expenses
We've replaced the generic dissection sheet previously opened at this item with the ATO's Deductions schedule (DDCTNS).
This item is about expenses incurred as an employee for work-related:
protective clothing
occupation-specific clothing
laundering and dry-cleaning of clothing listed above.
From 1 July 2018, if you have work-related expenses of this nature, the ATO requires you to lodge a Deductions schedule (DDCTNS, Tax schedule code ds).
Click label C to open the Deductions schedule and enter the details.
You can have up to 20 entries. To add a row, press Ctrl+Insert. To delete a row, press Ctrl+Delete.
When you close the Deductions schedule. we'll pass:
the D3 total amount to D3 label C, and
the correct Action code to the code box beside label C.
Valid action codes are:
C - Compulsory work uniform
N - Non-compulsory work uniform
P - Protective clothing
S - Occupation-specific clothing
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