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Key financial information - Items 33-36

On the Other information tab the Key financial Information items and labels are:

Item 33 - Label F - All current assets

Show at label F all current assets of the trust including cash on hand, short-term bills receivable, inventories, trade debtors as shown at Trade debtors item 42.

If business income is present item 5, the amount for all current assets cannot be null. The current assets shown at this item cannot exceed Total assets item 32 and must be at least equal to Trade debtors, item 42.

Item 34 - Label G - Total assets

Show at label G all the trust assets, including fixed, tangible and intangible assets and all current assets as shown at item 32.

If business income is present item 5, the amount for Total assets cannot be null and cannot be less than all current assets.

Item 35 - Label I - All current liabilities

Show at label I the total obligations payable by the trust within the coming, year. Also include the amount shown for Trade creditors, item 42.

If business income is present item 5, the amount for all current liabilities cannot be null. All current liabilities cannot exceed Total liabilities item 35 and must be at least equal to Trade creditors, item 42.

Item 36 - Label J - Total Liabilities

Show at label J all the trust liabilities, including other creditors and deferred liabilities such as loans secured by mortgage and long term loans. You should also include the amount shown at All current liabilities, item 34.

Total liabilities cannot be less than All current liabilities, item 34. If business income is present, this item cannot be null.

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