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Selecting a Range of Returns for Tax Letters

Accountants Enterprise and Series 6/8 only

This selection process enables you to choose a range of returns or a method of sequencing those returns or both. This process is common to exporting, printing, updating and other processing.

Sequencing the range of returns

The options for sequencing the returns depends on the sequencing option you selected in the previous screen:

  • Primary,

  • Secondary or

  • Tertiary.

Range by Primary sequence

After selecting to use the primary range the following options are available:

  • Return Code: this processes all returns within the selected range of return codes. Where there is more than one return with the same code these are treated in order by TFN.

  • Client Code: this processes all returns within the selected range of client codes. Where there is more than one return with the same client coded then these are treated in order by TFN. (This sequencing option is useful for amended returns.)

  • Form Type: Return Code: this processes all returns with the selected form type range. The returns are treated in order by their return code.

  • Status: Return Code: this processes all returns with the selected status level. For example, if a status of 'lodged' is selected, then all lodged returns are treated in order by return code.

  • Office Index: Return Code: this will process all returns with the selected character in order by return code. This only applies if your practice is using if your practice uses the Office Index.

Range by Secondary sequence

After selecting to use the secondary range the following options are available:

  • ATO level:Return code;

  • Partner:ATO level:Return code;

  • Manager:ATO level:Return code;

  • Employee:ATO level:Return code; or,

  • Agent:ATO level:Return code

Range by Tertiary sequence

After selecting to use the tertiary range the following options are available:

  • Return code;

  • Client code:Return code;

  • TaxFileNumber:Return code;

  • AlphaSort:Return code; or,

  • Contact:Return code

By Item

This option enables you to nominate returns individually, by return code. (The same end can be achieved by selecting batch and locating the required return(s) in the index).

When this option is selected, click [F6] to open a data entry screen. Type a valid return code and then click [F6]. On completion of the list of returns to be processed, click [Enter] or [F6] to close the screen and continue to the next step in the process.

When generating a Tax Letter, the By Item list requires you to type in the Return code for all returns to be included in the report.

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