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Amendment schedule (amd)

The Amendment Details Schedule allows the tax agent to describe the reasons for the amendment, the amendment type (ATO error or taxpayer error) and indicates the amendment number (1-9). When lodged, the electronic amendment comprises a re-transmission of:

  • the income tax return with amended information and re-calculated values and
  • new schedules and
  • a new Amendment Details schedule.

Amendment details must be included in each transmission of an amended return. A maximum of nine amendments may be lodged electronically in any tax year for each tax return i.e. the first amendment, and up to eight subsequent amendments.

Each subsequent amendment requires a new amendment details schedule with a reason for the amendment and the next amendment number in sequence.

The amendment details cannot be changed by a subsequent amendment. See Amending Lodged Returns for more information.

To attach the Amendment Details Schedule (amd)

A separate Amendment Details Schedule must be completed for each amendment to an income tax return.

  1. Go to PreparationSchedule > Amendment Details (amd).

  2. Compete the following fields:

    • Amendment Number: The system controls the numbering of subsequent amendments.

    • Amendment Type: Select either 3 - ATO error or 4 - Taxpayer error.

    • Reasons: Enter text describing the reason for the amendment. You may select from the list of Standard answers.

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