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Detailed Listing Record Selection

Accountants Enterprise only

Use the Detailed Listing option in the Reports menu to print a list of the contacts in your database. When you select this option, the Report Options window displays. These contacts may be printed by:

  • a User defined sequence,

  • a System defined sequence, or

  • by a Batch sequence

When printing the detailed list using the system sequence, you need to make further selections.

  1. Select to order the list by:

    • Code:Group Type

    • Alternate:Group Type

    • Alphabetic:Group Type

  2. After making your choice, press OK.

  3. You may now restrict the list by:

  • entering the from - to range of contacts

  • applying a mask or

  • selecting and processing, by Item.

  • After making your choice, press OK to print or preview the report.

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