Access: Select Lodgment > Other Reports > EFT Lodgment Report.
The Direct Debit (DD) lodgment report may be used to produce a listing, with statistical summary, of DD forms on the Tax ledger (attached to Iidividual and trust returns).
The data reported includes:
Return code
TFN (this may be excluded by setting the Print Options appropriately)
Status Date (this is the date the status shown was attained)
Partner code
Manager code
Name appearing on the return
To prepare the report
Click Lodgment > Other Reports > EFT Lodgment
Select the report options:
Sort by: The sort option determines the sequence of the report. The default is to prepare the report in Return code sequence.
(AE) Letter Layout: The default layout is LodgEFT which prepares the listing with the statistical summary. By choosing an appropriate layout combined with the Report Type 'letter' one page per DD form suitable for writing letters to clients will be produced.
This field is available for this report using the letter layout: #61 - Status
Report Type: The default is listing. (AE) Alter the report type to E for Letter and combine this with an appropriate layout to produce one page per DD form.
Click OK to proceed to preview or print the report or both.
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