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Infrastructure Borrowings Offset

Infrastructure Borrowings Offset

You may be able to claim a tax offset if you elected to have interest derived from your investment in infrastructure borrowings included as part of your assessable income.

Infrastructure Borrowings include:

  • interest from land transport facilities tax offset scheme or infrastructure borrowings scheme, OR

  • Interest derived from the land transport facilities tax offset scheme or infrastructure borrowings

In most cases the corporate tax rate percentage will be 30%. However, if the entity you derived interest from is a base rate entity, the corporate tax rate percentage will be 27.5%. If you are unsure of the corporate tax rate percentage of the entity you derived interest from, contact the entity.

If the interest is derived from the land transport facilities tax offset scheme it is subject to an annual upper limit under an agreement between the lenders, the borrowers and the Minister for Transport and Regional Services, you cannot claim a tax offset for the part of the interest that exceeds that upper limit.

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