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Item 16 - Taxation of Financial arrangements (TOFA)

The key provisions of the TOFA rules are found in Division 230 of the ITAA 1997, which generally provides for:

  • Methods of taking gains and losses from financial arrangements, being accruals and realisation, fair value, foreign exchange retranslation, hedging and reliance on financial reports and balancing adjustment, into account.

  • The time when the gains and losses from financial arrangements will be brought to account.

Item 16 comprises:

Label H - Total TOFA gains

Show at this label the fund's total assessable TOFA gains from financial arrangements. The TOFA worksheet (tof) is provided at this label for dissection and record-keeping purposes. Refer to Taxation of financial arrangements worksheet (tof).

Refer to Total TOFA Gains on the ATO website.

Label I - Total TOFA Losses

Show at this label the fund's total deductible TOFA losses from financial arrangements. The TOFA worksheet (tof) is provided at this label for dissection and record-keeping purposes. Refer to Taxation of financial arrangements worksheet (tof).

Refer to Total TOFA Losses on the ATO website.

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