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Item 30 - Personal services income

Personal services income is remuneration mainly for an individual's personal efforts or skills (or would mainly be such a reward if it was derived by the individual). It doesn't include income mainly for the supply of goods or granting of a right to use property or use of an asset.

A Partnership may derive income which includes the PSI of one or more individuals.

This item comprises 5 labels:

Label N

Does your income include an individual’s personal service income?

Label A*

Total amount of PSI income included at item 5 income labels

Label B*

Total amount of deductions against PSI included at item 5 expense labels

Label C

Did you satisfy the results test in respect of any individual

Label D

Do you hold a personal services business (PSB) determination in respect of any individual


Unrelated clients test


Employment test

E3 Business premises test

* A generic dissection worksheet is available this Label to record the details and integrate the balances to the main return.

Use the Reconciliation worksheet (Schedule A) to enter adjustments for PSI at the item 5 reconciliation items. All amounts entered in this worksheet integrate to the relevant label in the return. Refer to Schedule A Reconciliation.

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