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Item 52 - Income tests (partnership return)

Label G—Net financial investment income or loss

See Net financial investment income or loss on the ATO website. You may need to expand the list of ATO topics on the left-hand side and scroll down to the relevant entry.

Show at G the amount of partnership business income or loss from financial investments such as shares, managed investment schemes, forestry managed investment schemes and rights or options.

The financial investment income or loss worksheet (fip) is mandatory at this item. See Financial investment income and deductions (fip).

For information on financial investments and income tests, see in Income tests.

Label H—Net rental property income or loss

See Net rental property income or loss on the ATO website. On the ATO website you may need to expand the list of item on the left-hand side and scroll down to the relevant heading.

The income tests require that the partnership's net rental property income or loss be disclosed as an information label.

Tax has provided a holding dialog at label H and will transfer the relevant rental income or loss amounts from Items 9, share of net rental income or loss distributed from another partnership, and any net foreign income or loss entered at item 23 in the foreign income worksheet (for).

A holding dialog has been introduced at this label to collect the amounts of rental income or loss entered elsewhere in the partnership return. Therefore, all the fields are closed to edit. Clicking the relevant field will open the source item of the amount. See Rental income or loss holding dialog (item 50).

The amount integrated to label G will be passed to the distribution statement and distributed to the partners when the Distribute button is selected.

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