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Loss Carry Back Change in Choice (cic) — (Amended Company returns only)


In MYOB Tax, we've added a new worksheet called Loss Carry Back Change in Choice (cic) to change any loss carry back amounts in the previous years.

The Loss Carry Back Change in Choice (cic) worksheet will be available only on Amended Company returns

Accessing the cic schedule

You can access the cic schedule from

  • Preparation > Schedules within an amended return or
  • by answering Y at Item 13 : Have you made a change to your loss carry back choice?

The Loss Carry Back Change in Choice has the following sections:

Part A
Field nameWhat to enter
What is the reason for the change in loss carry back choice?

Select a reason from the picklist.

  • A = Excessive losses carried back
  • B = Prior year tax liability change
  • C = Tax loss increase / decrease
  • D = Additional tax losses carried back
  • E = Consequential amendment for prior year
Will this change result in another amendment request for years where there is a consequential impact?Answer Y if you need to complete Part B to change the choice for another tax year. If answered N, then you don't need to complete Part B for another tax year.
Indicate change in total amount of tax losses carried back from the original disclosure:Select Increase or Decrease.
Amount of the difference in total amount of tax losses carried back from the original disclosure Enter amount of difference in total amount of tax losses carried back from original disclosure.

Choice year 

Impact year: prefilled with the current year

Tax losses deducted
Field nameWhat to enter
Indicate the change in total tax losses deducted from the original disclosureSelect Increase or Decrease or No change. If No change is selected, the amount fields will be disabled
Amount of the difference:Provide details, of change in tax losses deducted from the original disclosure and total amount disclosed at Item 7 Label R of the CTR for the income year of the schedule.
Adjusted Tax losses deducted amountProvide details, if any, change in tax losses deducted from the original disclosure and total amount disclosed at Item 7 Label R of the CTR for any consequential income years (up to four years following the change in choice year). 
Taxable/Net income or loss information
Field nameWhat to enter
Indicate the change in total tax losses deducted from the original disclosureSelect Increase or Decrease or No change. If No change is selected, the amount fields will be disabled
Amount of the difference:Provide details, if any, of change in taxable / net income or loss from the original disclosure and total amount disclosed at Item 7 Label T of the CTR for the income year of the schedule. 
Adjusted Tax losses deducted amountProvide details, if any, change in tax losses deducted from the original disclosure and total amount disclosed at Item 7 Label T of the CTR for any consequential income years (up to four years following the change in choice year). 
Tax losses Carried forward
Field nameWhat to enter
Indicate the change in total tax losses deducted from the original disclosureSelect Increase or Decrease or No change. If No change is selected, the amount fields will be disabled
Amount of the difference:Provide details, if any, of change in taxable / net income or loss from the original disclosure and total amount disclosed at Item 13 Label U of the CTR for the income year of the schedule.
Adjusted Tax losses deducted amountProvide details, if any, change in tax losses deducted from the original disclosure and total amount disclosed at Item 13 Label U of the CTR for any consequential income years (up to four years following the change in choice year). 
Part B

Part B is the same set of fields from Part A and will be visible only when Will this change result in another amendment request for years where there is a consequential impact? is answered Y. This section includes an additional section for Other adjustments

Other adjustments

Provide details, if any, of other adjustments to taxable income / net income or loss due to reasons other than changing an LCB choice for any consequential income years (up to four years following the change in choice year).

Field nameWhat to enter
Are there any other adjustments to taxable/ net income or loss due to reason other than changing a loss carry back choice? Enter the relevant amount
Indicate the change in other adjustment to taxable/ net income or loss due to reason other than changing a loss carry back choice?Select Increase or Decrease or No change. If No change is selected, the amount fields will be disabled
Net amount of any adjustments to taxable/ net income or loss due to reason other than changing a loss carry back choice?Enter the relevant amount

You can print this schedule from Preparation > Schedule.

There is no ATO PDF copy of this schedule yet as ATO have not finalised the form yet.



This table shows the company return with income, loss, and losses carried forward.


Income yearIncomeTax paidTax lossLoss carry backTax offsetLoss carried forward
2020 - 2021300,00090,000    
2021 - 2022  800,000300,00 to 2019-2090,000500,000 (Tax loss - loss carry back)
2022 - 202360,000    440,000 (last year's loss - this year's income)

In this scenario, if you amend the 2020 - 2021 tax return to increase the taxable income to 600,000

Income yearIncomeTax paidTax lossLoss carry backTax offsetLoss carried forward
2020 - 2021600,000180,000    
2021 - 2022  800,000600,00 to 2019-20180,000200,000 (Tax loss - loss carry back)
2022 - 202360,000    140,000 (last year's loss - this year's income)

Completing the cic worksheet for the above example.




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