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Range and Selection

Not available in Accountants Office

The Flexi Report Range and Selections Tabs allow you to specify what is included in and excluded from your report.

Range Tab

Nominate the restrictions on the range of returns on which you wish to report. To bypass any of these fields click [Enter].

Name range from and Name to: You may select the range of returns to be included in this report by sorting within a specific range of taxpayer surnames. For example, you may choose to sort from 'Abbot' to 'Smith'. The sort is based on the surname you entered when adding returns to the system. Up to ten alphanumeric characters may be entered in each field.

Lodged From and Lodged To: You may include the range of returns lodged between specific dates. Enter the relevant dates in the format DD-MM-CCYY.

Due from and Due To: You may include only those returns which are due for lodgment within a specific range of dates. Enter the relevant dates in the format DD-MM-CCYY. This range restriction is based on the lodgment due date you entered when adding returns to the system.

Status from and Status To: You may include those returns whose status changed within a certain range of dates. For example, you may include only those returns whose lodgment status changed within a specific range of dates. Enter the relevant dates in the format DD-MM-CCYY.

Date of birth from and Date of birth to: You may include only those returns which are within a specific range of birth dates. Enter the relevant dates in the format DD-MM-CCYY. This range restriction sorts on the basis of the birth dates entered on the front cover of returns.

Selections Tab

The Selections Tab allows you to specify the data to be included in your report. The criteria include:

Levels: You may select to include only those returns of a specific ATO level. If this field is left blank, all levels will be included.

Form types: You may select to include returns of a specific form type, e.g. only individual returns. If this field is left blank, all form types will be included. Make sure you enter the relevant form type in upper case letters.

Office Index Mask: You may use an office index mask to group returns in a manner suited to your practice's needs. If your practice uses office index masks, you may group those returns which share a common feature or characteristic.

ATO office: You may report on those returns which are lodged at a specific lodgment office. Select the lodgment office or leave this field blank to include all returns lodged to all lodgment offices.

Printed: If [Y] is entered at this field, only printed returns will be included in the report. You may select from: Yes, No and All.

Exclude from rollover?: If [Y] is entered at this field, all those returns flagged for deletion at year end will be included. When a return is added to the system, it may be flagged for deletion at year end, and this field in the flexi report allows you to report on all the returns flagged for deletion. You may select from: Yes, No and All.

ELS accepted: If [Y] is entered at this field, only those returns which have successfully passed ELS validation will be included in the report. You may select from: Yes, No and All.

All/Not/Lodged/SFS?: Select to include returns based on status. You may select from: All, lodged, not lodged and sent for signature.

No Income: If [Y] is entered at this field, those returns (such as blank returns) will be included in the report. You may select from: Yes, No and All.

Duplicated Returns: If [Y] is entered at this field, those returns that are back-ups made of a return prior to generating an amendment will be included in the report. You may select from: Yes, No and All.

Calc/Sched/Checklist: Enter the body of data from which you wish to extract information to be included in the flexi report. You may select one of the three options: Calculator, Schedule and Checklist. Each of these areas have fields which contain data that may be included in reports. Some of the fields may overlap, that is, the same field may relate to entirely different pieces of data. For example, field E137 in the calculator refers to abnormal income, but in a schedule (in this case, an individual return) it refers to the total business income of a primary producer.

Outstanding fees only: Select this checkbox so that only returns which have an invoice amount in excess of the amount paid on invoice are included in the report.

Exclude Subsidiaries (consolidation): Select this checkbox so that returns which relate to companies that are subsidiaries of a consolidated group are excluded from the report.

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